As I approach session zero for my newest game, Skinned Knees and Faeries, I find myself feeling a familiar nervousness. And with this return of my old friend, GM prep anxiety, also comes a reshuffling of my task priorities in ways that make no sense. Last week I put in three hours of work on a table of names, carefully catering to its diversity, but the week before I spent only two hours designing a neighborhood dungeon. How much work should be put where? Am I setting myself up for GM burnout?
Fortunately for me, there's not much to do for my coming session other than ready my game pitch. That's what this post is going to be.
Goals for session zero:
- Test functionality of videochat software
- headphones + mics?
- muting!
- how to pass the baton to a player
- hand raise?
- politeness?
- Get myself and all players on the same page
- What is Skinned Knees & Faeries?
- Genre conventions in Kids Save the Suburbs
- Gameplay expectations
- The story is not pre-planned at all. PCs write the story through action.
- Heavily inspired by OSR play style, so expect challenges with no clear answer, widely varied levels of danger, and infinite possibility for cool player ideas.
- Expected Gameplay loop:
- Generate any new characters
- School year focus? Chores, school, art, exploration, friendship etc...?
- Roll for the school year and interpret the results! GM shares list of rumors, foreshadowing, etc...
- Summer Break starts! Open on the Kids hanging out, plan for the summer.
- Adventures! Each will end at the end of the session unless there's wild circumstances. (Between games, assumed a week has passed)
- Return to school and roll for Aging Out.
- Please tell the GM if you have a good idea! It'll wind up in the game.
- Open table!
- Bring friends if you think they'd like it.
- No obligation to play every session
- You will be responsible for keeping track of your own adventures, and planning new outings! The GM tracks the people and the town.
- Lines and Veils (Shared google doc anonymous)
- New players must review and add their own!
- Mine the Players' childhoods for monsters, magic, adventures, enemies etc... (Homework! Warn them ahead of time so they have time to ruminate)
- Game pitches to be sent out before next session!
- Collaborate on setting in bold strokes
- Schedule session 1!
I’ve been waiting for this game for years now, so I need to be careful not to poison my own well with expectations. Dear reader, please share your ideas and thoughts if you have them!
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